Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency
Turn your home into a homestead

Homestead. noun
A house and its adjoining land where a family resides.
(Also, a lifestyle with a commitment to self-sufficiency.)
Let’s grow our own food and find ways to be more self-sufficient, do more with less and create a sustainable, rewarding, and empowering lifestyle right at home.
Join us as we explore the world of homesteading right here in our own suburban yard, and share what we learn with you, to help you turn your house into a homestead, no matter where you live.
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About Nikki & Paul
Nikki grew up on a farm in the Yarra Valley, east of Melbourne, Australia, with a generous veggie patch and a collection of farm animals, while Paul grew up in northern rural Victoria, near Echuca, on a 8-acre farm, surrounded by dairy cows, orchards and plenty of space. Since then, no matter where we've lived, we've always found a patch of dirt to grow some food. One day we might move back to a farm, but for now we love finding new and creative ways to be self-sufficient, and turn our suburban home into a homestead.